

Empowering Voices, Promoting Rights.

A strong knowledge of personal rights is essential for everyone, particularly for individuals with disabilities. Advocacy is not just about supporting others; it's about empowering individuals to advocate for themselves. We are committed to fostering self-advocacy among our clients, equipping them with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively champion their rights and navigate the challenges they face.


We actively encourage and support self-advocacy among our clients. Understanding and asserting one's rights is crucial in achieving greater independence and ensuring that one's needs are met. Our programs are designed to educate individuals on how to advocate for themselves in personal, legal, and medical situations, helping them to become more confident and informed advocates.

Systematic Advocacy:

Beyond individual advocacy, our organization is deeply involved in systematic advocacy efforts that address broader issues affecting the disability community. Throughout the year, we participate in and lead various advocacy initiatives that aim to improve laws, policies, and practices to create a more inclusive society.

Participation in Advocacy Initiatives:

We encourage our clients to engage in advocacy efforts by participating in events, legislative sessions, and public forums. Engaging in these activities not only impacts societal change but also helps individuals develop a stronger sense of community and shared purpose.

Resources and Support:

To further our advocacy efforts, we provide necessary resources and support to our clients. This includes assistance in understanding legal rights, navigating administrative processes, and addressing systemic barriers and injustices. Our goal is to ensure that every individual feels supported and capable of advocating for changes that improve their lives and the lives of others in the disability community.

Get Involved:

Learn more about our advocacy work and how you can get involved by contacting our team today. Whether you're interested in learning about self-advocacy, participating in policy change, or simply want to support our efforts, we are eager to work together to make a lasting impact.

Contact Us via email or give us a call at (504) 354-2149 to discover how you can be a part of our advocacy initiatives and help us drive change for a more inclusive future.

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